ImageBank X DAM solution for municipalities, cities and travel organisations
The use of DAM (Digital Asset Management) by municipalities and tourism organisations highlights its benefits in terms of marketing, better communication, easy storage and distribution of assets and seamless collaboration within the organisation.
Benefits of the system in brief:
- Easy sharing, editing and management of assets
- Metadata management
- Access rights management
- GDPR access rights management
- Photo editor and autoconversions
- AD login
- Custom brand look and feel
- Responsive interface for all devices
- Integrable with backend systems

Public sector industries use DAM in a variety of ways
Municipalities and cities
Municipalities and cities use DAM solution for information and marketing communications, among other things. As municipalities and cities have many different departments and institutions, it is important to have a single central location where everyone has access to up-to-date material.
Municipal marketing has become an increasingly important part of municipal activities in recent years. DAM solution will improve, enhance and harmonise the brand marketing of the municipality.
The DAM solution serves many different departments:
– Marketing and communication
– Education
– Library, culture and leisure
– Technical Department
– Social and health services
Travel marketing
Travel organisations working in partnership with municipalities and cities make full use of DAM solution in their own travel marketing.
Travel organisations have a wealth of visual material and guidelines at their disposal, which can be easily compiled in a common DAM solution for use by staff, media and other stakeholders.
– International travel marketing
– Events
– Corporate and stakeholder communication in the region
– Internal material for the organisation
Some of our public sector customers

100% of our municipal customers said that ImageBank X is a good solution for the municipal sector
Enhanced data management and distribution of assets
The overall aim of communication in municipalities and cities is to communicate clearly and widely. Communication contributes to the reputation of municipalities and cities, the use of services, the number of inhabitants and the general satisfaction of residents. The DAM solution provides municipalities and cities with a central repository of digital assets, making it easy to find and share up-to-date material with the media and other stakeholders. The visual and modern DAM supports the municipality’s own brand image.
Internal communication is also highlighted, as municipalities and cities are usually the largest employers in their regions. It is therefore important that digital assets is easily accessible in a common DAM for each department’s own use.
DAM serves many different departments as well as streamlines collaboration
The public sector includes many different sectors that benefit from the use of the DAM solution. These include the Marketing, Communications and Public Relations Department, the Social and Health Department, the Technical Department, the Tourism, Leisure and Culture Department, the HR Department and the Education Department.
The DAM solution can thus be used to store brand materials, marketing materials, travel images, city images, technical documents, event images, staff photos and training materials, for example.
Municipalities benefit not only from communication across municipalities, but also internally, as the materials are easily accessible.

85% of our municipal customers compared DAM solutions before making their purchase decision and decided to choose ImageBank X

How our customers have become users of ImageBank X
A survey of our local government customers in autumn 2024 revealed that, prior to acquiring a DAM solution, our customers had a need for a centralised, modern, easy-to-use and brand-supportive DAM.
Good categorisation, tagging and sharing capabilities were considered important in the purchase decision. Several of our customers said that manageability of assets was a key factor when considering the purchase of a DAM solution – organisations value having their digital assets in one centralised location, making them easily accessible to all staff. Up to 85% of our local government customers compared DAM solutions before purchase decision and chose ImageBank X.
According to our customers, the most important features they have found when using ImageBank X include easy discovery, user management, integrations, image conversions, collection baskets, permission handling, categorisation, metadata management and easy sharing with stakeholders.

"Storing, downloading and sharing material has become more efficient. The material is better organised and easier to find. DAM is now available to a wider audience than our previous solution. More people have access to our DAM solution."
- Heini Ruuskanen, Communications and Marketing Coordinator, City of Jämsä
A DAM solution that genuinely benefits everyday operations
Municipalities, cities and travel organisations benefit from a centralised and modern DAM solution in many ways. Here are a few of them:
Efficient digital asset management
DAM solutions can store, manage, process and distribute large volumes of assets, making them easier to find and use.
Security and privacy
DAM solutions can set access rights for different roles, so that only the appropriate people have access to the assets. ImageBank X also includes a tool for managing access rights (GDPR), which makes it easier and faster to access assets.
Sharing possibility
Assets can be shared internally and with stakeholders quickly and easily.
Resource and cost savings
DAM will deliver major resource and cost savings. For example, DAM solutiions eliminates unnecessary and duplicated tasks and saves time previously spent on searching, sharing and processing material in different programmes.
The flexible DAM adapts to the company, the users and the needs, making it possible to serve both small municipalities and large cities.
Advanced search
Artificial intelligence features, keywords, metadata and other filters make it easy to search and find resources.
Automation of different steps
DAM includes a number of automated functions that reduce the amount of manual work.
Documentation and archiving
Materials can be stored and archived, making it easier and quicker to retrieve data and materials, for example.
Accessibility in ImageBank X
The EU Accessibility Directive stresses that websites and mobile apps must be accessible to people with disabilities. Accessibility is not just a legal obligation, but improves the user experience and serves all members of the community. It is an essential part of inclusive and responsible communication and a worthwhile investment to improve the user experience and make content management more accessible.
ImageBank is compliant with the WCAG AA 2.1 Accessibility Directive, an important standard for public sector organisations. This provides an efficient and inclusive approach to the management and distribution of digital assets.
A versatile DAM solution guarantees functionality
Requirements for a DAM for municipalities, cities and tourism organisations typically include the ability to manage and share large amounts of assets, robust security, cost-effectiveness, ease of use, access rights definition, AD login and adaptability. The public sector will benefit from the resource and cost savings that will be achieved by the DAM – it will streamline day-to-day operations, making collaboration, communication and overall digital asset management much more efficient.
ImageBank X provides users with metadata management and the ability to mass edit files, a consent tool, an integrated image editor, Adobe and Microsoft 365 integration, a mobile app, a transfer window, a notification center and Creative Workspace, among other features. The ImageBank X DAM is therefore not only designed for storing digital assets, but also for the complete processing and management of assets.
Book a free demo
If you want to take your organisation’s communication to the next level, please contact us for a demo.
Let’s meet in a Teams meeting to discuss your needs and how ImageBank X can respond to them.